A short time back we started a documentary project with Logan’s Trading Company. If you are from the Raleigh, NC area, you probably have heard of or maybe even shopped at Logan’s. They have a great variety of products and knick knacks. However, Logan’s specializes in all things gardening.
Now you know about the business of Logan’s but what makes Logan’s so special is the people who own and work there. Don’t take my word for it, if you are ever in Raleigh head over to the Seaboard Station and check them out for yourself.
I want to keep you guys in the loop about our on going projects from now on. So make sure you keep checking back to our new blog section called In The Works.
Back to the Logan’s documentary.
The jest of this project has grown and changed since we first started shooting footage back in 2014. We have went from creating a short commercial for there 50th anniverary to now a more in-depth look at Logan’s the company’s history and the family.
Oh yeah, did I forget to say that Logan’s is and always has been a family owed and operated business. Now you know.
In this blog we are gonna be realy about everything we post. So with that being said we have had a couple of challenges since working on this project.
1. Loss of a whole day of footage.
2. A whole lot of background noise while filming.
3. Scheduling.
We have found ways to over come these challenges and continue to push forward to our deadline.
We will be starting a spin off blog on Over Coming Production Challenges soon where we will go in-depth in these and many more challenging situations in this great world of production.
We have some great concepts (not new) we are using in editing to present this great company in a true light. We want this project to be a great resource of historical value for Logan’s, Seaboard Station, and the city of Raleigh. Last but not least the family of Logan’s, which is now in the third generations more than capable hands.
Keep a look out for this upcoming project. We will come back to this post periodically and update with pictures and more information about the project as the project continues to move forward.